About Us

Who We Are
Tucker is a feeling. It's a woman in a colorful dress riding a bicycle with one hand while eating a pastry with the other. It's a print that sparks a conversation, the blouse that propels a stranger to run down the street to ask where it's from.
Tucker is ''what to wear'' to that audition, meeting, or interview you've been nervous about all week. It's there for you when you don't know what to wear. It's there when you know exactly what to wear.
Tucker celebrates every part of life -first dates and last calls, birthdays and laundry days. Most importantly, we believe in thoughtful consumption and protecting our earth first.
Founded in 2006 by Gaby Basora, Tucker is a brand where sustainability and innovation meet to make a difference. We create beautiful clothes that are well-made and environmentally friendly, and we want you to be apart of our mission to make a positive impact on the planet.
The most beautiful thing about Tucker is the person wearing it-you.